Your provident bank

Vienna, Berlin, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague, Bratislava

Your provident bank

Vienna, Berlin, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague, Bratislava

Your provident bank

Vienna, Berlin, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague, Bratislava

Your provident bank

Vienna, Berlin, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague, Bratislava

Your provident bank

Vienna, Berlin, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague, Bratislava

Your provident bank

Vienna, Berlin, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague, Bratislava

Our bank

You can achieve more with a reliable partner at your side.

Austria unites tradition and modernity. So does Partner Bank.

Founded in 1992, the Partner Bank is an Austrian bank that specialises in advising and assisting people with their financial planning, asset management and wealth-building in partnership with financial advisors. It cooperates with professional financial advisors in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia. Customers can purchase securities and physical gold through Partner Bank. Both are legally separated from the Bank’s assets and are owned by the customer.

Focus on Portfolio Management

Partner Bank AG positions itself as a private bank that is aimed equally at the middle class, wealthy private clients (high net worth individuals) and business clients. Its portfolio solutions have been gradually expanded since its foundation. The declared aim is to offer financial services that are accessible to a wide range of clients, while at the same time providing customised solutions and personal support for wealthy private clients. The bank started out as a niche player specialising in innovative baskets of shares, which are an attractive addition to a broad-based pension portfolio. The portfolio is subsequently supplemented with fund baskets, bond baskets and physical gold. The bank thus offers its customers the unique opportunity to acquire pension solutions in the securities sector with private banking quality via financial service providers.

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Partner Bank is owned by the Foundation for Social and Economic Development. The Foundation’s purpose is to promote social and economic development. To this end, the Foundation has also established Two Wings (, a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting the education of young people in developing countries.

Social responsibility is integral to Partner Bank’s corporate culture. For over 10 years, Partner Bank, together with financial advisors and customers, has supported carefully selected development projects in collaboration with the Two Wings Network.
Neither the Foundation nor Partner Bank has a participating interest in other investment companies or product providers. Partner Bank can therefore offer advisory services and select products freely and objectively, because it does not issue any bonds, funds or certificates of its own. 

„Partner Bank supports professional investment advisors, giving them the tools they need to help people with their financial planning and wealth-building.“

Dr. Sarvenas Enayati, Andreas Fellner MSc., Mag.a Elham Ettehadieh

Board members